Why are big data breaches so common now? New Omdia research tells the story here >>
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Gartner® Innovation Insight: Data Security Posture Management
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The Normalyze Platform
Supported Environments
Platform Benefits
Solution Differentiators

Reduce Data Access Risks

Enforce Data Governance
Eliminate Abandoned Data

Secure PaaS Data

Enable Use of AI

DSPM for Snowflake




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DSPM for Dummies:

Your guide to Data Security Posture Management

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CYBER 60: The fastest-growing startups in cybersecurity
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Normalyze Freemium

Cloud data security posture discovery & remediation

Within minutes get a full picture of your sensitive cloud data landscape

  • Discover, classify, validate all data across all cloud accounts
  • Rank risks to prioritize and accelerate remediation
  • Detect and remediate access violations
  • Address top-of-mind concerns in one platform:
    • Risk management
    • Compliance
    • Privacy

Do I know where everything resides and how the systems are configured? Do I clearly understand the risk facing that data and system? Normalyze presents me with these views.”

Brandon Brantley, CISO, Corelight

All capabilities of the Normalyze Cloud Data Security Platform for one (1) public cloud account of your choice.

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Normalyze supports

Get a full picture of your data stores, applications, identities, infrastructure in all clouds and how they all connect. Normalyze continuously identifies your sensitive data and all access paths that could lead to data breaches.