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Gartner® Innovation Insight: Data Security Posture Management
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The Normalyze Platform
Supported Environments
Platform Benefits
Solution Differentiators

Reduce Data Access Risks

Enforce Data Governance
Eliminate Abandoned Data

Secure PaaS Data

Enable Use of AI

DSPM for Snowflake




DSPM Buyer's Guide: Report
DSPM Buyer's Guide

A toolkit to help gather internal DSPM requirements and evaluate vendors

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Solution differentiators

Be SAFE – with Breadth of coverage, Scalability, Accuracy, Flexibility, and Efficiency – compared to other DSPM tools.


A platform built from the ground up to process data securely within its native environment, to classify it accurately, and to scale across any environment

AI-enabled remediation
Comprehensive recommendations, reinforced learning based on user actions and behaviors, and actionable workflows to service management platforms

All SaaS, PaaS, public or multi-cloud, on-prem or hybrid environments, including large-scale data lakes and LLMs

Time to value

No set-up to start the first scan, data classification with intuitive risk mapping
and prioritization in minutes

Risk quantification
Prioritization based on the impact of potential data loss and likelihood of breach, with visualizations of access relations and data attack paths

100% agentless
scanning architecture

At the heart of the Normalyze platform is the patented One-Pass Scanner™, which leverages AI to accurately identify and classify valuable and sensitive data at scale, across different environments.

The platform was designed around an architecture that scans in place, so data never leaves the location where it resides. This approach keeps data under IT control, supports compliance with stringent data protection regulations and enhances operational efficiency.

Teams can scan data at scale (~1TB per hour) without extensive set-up or manual tuning – the spin up, scale out, scale down and tear down are all managed by the Normalyze platform.

Breadth of coverage

Secure data wherever it is – including SaaS, PaaS, public or multi-cloud, on-prem or hybrid environments – from a single platform for a complete understanding of your data attack surface.

Normalyze’s data discovery capabilities are engineered to operate seamlessly across a diverse range of platforms and services.

By supporting an extensive array of data stores, from traditional relational databases to modern NoSQL and key-value stores, Normalyze ensures comprehensive visibility into all structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data.

Risk quantification

The risk matrix organizes data stores by impact and likelihood of breach so you can focus on – and drill down into – what matters and get the best security ROI for your efforts.

Drill into the impact of potential data loss with the unique DataValuator™ that assigns monetary value to data based on the historical cost-to-handle per breached record of equivalent data.

Visualize the likelihood of breach with the patented Data Access Graph that shows how people and resources are accessing critical data, and with the Risk Navigator™ that shows the attack paths an attacker could exploit to get to that data.

AI-enabled remediation

Actionable insights and comprehensive recommendations with alerts and integration into service management platforms help teams remediate and prevent issues before they happen.

New learning capabilities continuously improve classification accuracy and remediation recommendations based on user feedback and actions.

Time to value

Automated cloud-based deployment in even the most complex environments and immediate identification and prioritization of risk areas results in 10-minute time to value. All analysis and workflows are accessible through the Normalyze UI or APIs.

Be SAFE with
Normalyze DSPM

Be SAFE with the Normalyze DSPM platform, designed from the ground up to meet the evolving needs of modern enterprises and to ensure valuable and sensitive data is protected across all environments, regardless of complexity or scale.

Breadth of coverage

SaaS, PaaS, public or multi-cloud, on-prem or hybrid environments – wherever data is


Unlimited and elastic with native cloud scaling techniques, not limited by data size or complexity of environments


835+ standard data classifications and risk signatures out of the box with customizable proprietary data classifications and risk signatures


Addressing complex use cases: enabling the business with AI, simplifying data access governance and continuous compliance, and eliminating abandoned data


AI powered, in-environment scanning with no set-up needed to start seeing results
A Buyer's Guide to Data Security Posture Management

The Buyer’s Guide to Data Security Posture Management (DSPM)

Evaluating DSPM? This vendor-neutral guide and vendor evaluation toolkit will come in handy.