What is DSPM?


Gartner® Innovation Insight: Data Security Posture Management
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Reduce Data Access Risks

Enforce Data Governance
Eliminate Abandoned Data

Secure PaaS Data

Enable Use of AI

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Data Security – Connecting the Dots with DSPM

June 3, 2024
YouTube video

The rise of AI and ML introduces new risks to businesses, including high-profile incidents where sensitive information was exposed. This often results from inadequate education on the risks associated with new technologies.

Businesses face increasing vulnerabilities due to the proliferation of services accessing and replicating data across various environments (SaaS, cloud, on-prem). These diverse environments require consistent security protocols, which traditional approaches fail to provide comprehensively.

This video features Vamsi Koduru, Director of Product Management and Joe Gregory, Head of Customer Success for Normalyze as address how DSPM addresses the following challenges:

-The data risk landscape of generative AI

-Increased data risk in modern computer environments

-The overwhelming task of data security

-Minimizing breach risk by focusing on data

-Engaging teams across the organization

-Insights that drive security improvements

-Getting to actionable insights in a few clicks

-Aligning teams with comprehensive visibility

-Prioritizing protection for business impact

-Enforcing least privilege access

-Minimizing paths to sensitive data

Watch now.


Normalyze is a pioneering provider of cloud data security solutions helping customers secure their data, applications, identities, and infrastructure across public clouds. With Normalyze, organizations can discover and visualize their cloud data attack surface within minutes and get real-time visibility and control into their security posture, including access, configurations, and sensitive data to secure cloud infrastructures at scale.