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Normalyze Granted First Patent for Data Security Posture Management (DSPM)

U.S. Patent # 11,575,696 Granted to Normalyze for Cloud Data Attack Path Detection Based on Cloud Security Posture and Resource Network Path Tracing


SAN FRANCISCO, March 21, 2023 Normalyze, a pioneering provider of cloud data security solutions, was granted the most fundamental patent to date for Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The patent addresses cloud data attack path detection based on security posture of the cloud environment and resource network path tracing. This patent is foundational for an emerging data-first approach to secure cloud-resident sensitive data and its implications will help to innovate the enterprise cybersecurity market at large.

Patent #11,575,696 describes how an accurate measure of cloud security posture enables the Normalyze DSPM platform to automatically trace network paths at scale between cloud-resident sensitive data and all points of access to determine attack paths. Paths are dynamically displayed to IT, security, and compliance teams, which instantly identify authorized versus unauthorized access – including propagation of breach attacks. Automated remediation workflows ensure continuous safety and compliance of the sensitive data. The Normalyze patent details how its technology, via integration, improves systems and methods of separate siloed tools such as cloud security posture management (CSPM), cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM), cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP), and/or cloud-native configuration management databases (CMDB).

“This patent’s technology enables the Normalyze platform with 360-degree visibility of where our data resides across our cloud environments and any associated risks,” said Rahul Gupta, Head of Information Security and GRC at Sigma Computing. “Normalyze’s ability to connect the dots around data – including accesses, identities, vulnerabilities, and configurations – helps us understand where the real threats are and remediate them in near real-time. It is a game changer for securing our cloud environments.”

“This patent is the first and the most important in the DSPM space. Its technology connects the risks to sensitive data in customer cloud environments, allowing them to focus on what matters most instead of chasing thousands of alerts generated by other siloed products,“ said Ravi Ithal, CTO and cofounder of Normalyze. “Getting the first major patent for an emerging new category such as DSPM shows our thought leadership in helping customers protect their most valuable asset, which is their data.”

Ravi shares more details in this blog post. Normalyze has additional patents pending and will announce them in the first half of 2023.

The Normalyze platform is generally available in full functionality and supports all major IaaS and PaaS cloud services such as AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure and Snowflake.


About Normalyze:

Normalyze is a pioneering provider of cloud data security solutions helping customers secure their data, applications, identities, and infrastructure across public clouds. With Normalyze, organizations can discover and visualize their cloud data attack surface within minutes and get real-time visibility and control into their security posture, including access, configurations, and sensitive data to secure cloud infrastructures at scale. The Normalyze patented and agentless scanning platform continuously discovers resources, sensitive data and access paths across all cloud environments. The company was founded by industry veterans Ravi Ithal and Amer Deeba and has several customers, including Chargepoint, Corelight, Fairfield, Ginkgo Bio, Netskope, Sigma Computing and others. The company is funded by Lightspeed Venture Partners and Battery Ventures.

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Media Contact:

Suzanne Block, on behalf of Normalyze