What is DSPM?


Gartner® Innovation Insight: Data Security Posture Management
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The Normalyze Platform
Supported Environments
Platform Benefits
Solution Differentiators
Data Handling for DSPM

Reduce Data Access Risks

Enforce Data Governance
Eliminate Abandoned Data

Secure PaaS Data

Enable Use of AI

DSPM for Snowflake




DSPM Buyer's Guide: Report
DSPM Buyer's Guide

A toolkit to help gather internal DSPM requirements and evaluate vendors

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CYBER 60: The fastest-growing startups in cybersecurity
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Solving Enterprise Data Complexity with Data Security Posture Management

Unlocking the Future of Data Security and Risk Management

Why are data security tools falling short?

Many organizations are finding that traditional data security tools and approaches just aren’t cutting it anymore. With the rapid growth of cloud, SaaS, and hybrid environments, data is sprawling across multiple platforms, leaving security teams struggling to answer basic questions like “Where is our valuable and sensitive data?” and “Who has access to it?”

To uncover how enterprises are addressing these challenges, Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) surveyed IT leaders and practitioners to understand their key concerns, risks, and adoption plans for Data Security Posture Management (DSPM).

The findings highlight the rising complexity of securing data and the steps organizations are taking to stay ahead.

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This report covers:

Data Visibility Gaps
Why many enterprises don’t know where their most valuable data lives.

Generative AI Risks
How the rise of AI models like ChatGPT is introducing new data security risks.

Shadow and Abandoned Data
The hidden risks of unmanaged data that’s out of sight but not out of danger.

Cost and Risk Reduction
How DSPM can help identify redundant or abandoned data to optimize costs and minimize risk.

Adoption Trends
What IT leaders are doing to strengthen their data security posture in response to growing threats.

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Learn how leading organizations are using DSPM to solve these issues and secure their data in complex environments.